Ok! It has only taken me about 8 months to get this launched, not bad hey đ
So here I am making my first blog post, go easy on me please!
Since January my life has turned around, from attending the SWPP and then joining the fabulous uk photographers and tweetups and sharing FB group, created by the very lovely Claudia Carter, and making great friends, I haven’t stopped being on a high!
One of the special people I have met throughout this life changing  journey is Kat Hill who has quickly become a great friend and together we have set out to shoot, shoot, shoot amazing photographs having fun along the way. I am very grateful to be able to share my journey with Kat, as not only she is an amazing photographer but also such a good friend and support to me, so thank you Kat!!
Many special people have come to be part of my life and I feel incredibly grateful to be blessed with their friendship. I must mentioned a few more people who are definitely very important to me and who I admire, Gary Lashmar who keep me smiling and inspires me constantly with his greatness and for whom I am extremely lucky to second shoot for on a few weddings. The fabulous and gorgeous Jaz Ampaw-Farr whose energy electrifies me and make me believe I can achieve anything and everything!! Thank you for being so true and fabulous and most of all for believing in me! The lovely Heline Bekker, for her super talent and friendship and many more who I simply adore and admire and that would make me write more and more pages and I think why not, I will!! I will write about you all in the forthcoming weeks, one by one đ as you are all awesome and I want to share you with the world and to offer you my gratitude for being such an inspirations.
This first blog post is turning longer than I planned and if you are still reading, well done and a massive thank you!
I will share gradually the work I have been doing since January and as a post is not a post without a photo, here is a photo I took the other day in my garden of a little flower I really love.
Astrantia Buckland
wow. If this is your first blog I can’t wait to read more. You are such an awesome photographer and a wonderful friend. I looove this blog. It’s as cool as you. Keep shooting gal!
Welcome to the world of blogging! I’m so excited about being able to get the latest news from you and even more so to see your fabulous images! You ROCK!
You’re such a superstar Cris – a beautiful lady who takes beautiful photos and now who has a beautiful site & blog! I’m chuffed to bits that we’re friends and I can’t wait to go on more photographic adventures together. Now, more posts please! Your audience awaits Xxx
Cristina! I Love this. Very well done, I can not wait to see more of your fabulous shoots, and thank you one more time, photos that you took from me where best that anyone has ever taken from me. I love them, and so does everyone else! My singer friends are green from envy!
FANTASTIC pictures Cristina, Perfect in every way..You can tell the hard work and effort you put into your work, You should be so proud of yourself đ x x